A pole barn. It’s not actually a full barn, therefore it’s a budget barn because they ran out of money to complete the walls.
Ooo look at those Budget Barns!
by bunny_93 November 22, 2022
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Someone who makes something look valuable or expensive without actually spending much money.
Marcia is such a Budget Ninja, she made that wedding present look a million dollars.”
by Budget Ninja August 22, 2014
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A descriptive term that refers to someone who doesn't make a lot of money and doesn't have a lot of money with them

Some common characteristics exhibited by these people are:

-Always being tired looking, sounding or feeling (maybe even a combination of them)

-Being into something that many stupid people would consider "weird" or "childish" like anime or video games

-Dressing in very simple ways like a T shirt that's a single colour
Nathan: Hey man, you wanna go eat some Italian food with me?

Jimmy: No man, I'm on a bootleg budget. Still struggling affording high quality food, I live off of frozen meals. Sorry

Nathan: Oh... that sucks. Well maybe when you get that degree we can spend more time and money together

Jimmy: Yeah
by Crusty cheese virus May 13, 2020
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The word "fruity budget" was a term coined by the Good Omens subreddit Discord on October 8th, 2020. The term has been used in a variety of contexts but is generally a term used to add absurdist humor, or a term to use when you cannot think of something meaningful to say. Some of the more niche definitions include:

1.) A mistranslation of the German word for fluid balance.
2.) An unofficial synonym for the mitochondria.
3.) An unofficial synonym for metabolism.
4.) A particularly fruity budget.
5.) An exceptionally homosexual budget.
6.) A tasty treat found in a small hut in Antarctica.
7.) A preface to "UwU."

For extra tang, "liquid" can be added at the beginning, middle, or end of the term "fruity budget."
I could go for some fruity liquid budget right now to satisfy my UwUs.

I hope Neil Gaiman does not find these fruity budgets.

I'm so gay, all of my fruity budgets are spilling out of my cankles!
by chai tea transguy October 11, 2020
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(n) - An unfortunate event, or series of unfortunate events, that completely fucks up your financial plans.
Guy One: Did you hear about Bob's house burning down the other day? That really sucks man.

Guy Two: Yea, he was just about to go out and buy a new Corvette before it happened. What a budget fuck.
by Master Exploder 69 February 3, 2009
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A person who fronts like they have Bill Gates money but rents or borrows all of their bling-bling and flashy things. Only to return them as soon as possible to get their deposit back from the rental company.

A person who rents or borrows items to front like he's doing big things. Only to have to return them to the owner after they're done fronting.
Dude not only has a rented Expedition he also has rented rims… That cat is a budget baller.

Sis was at the party fronting with her best friend’s dress on. She’s definitely a budget baller.

That nukka is a budget baller for rocking his boy's whip while he's out of town.
by Brutha Foreal July 1, 2006
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when managers defer payment for something hoping for funding from another departments budget. From the Dilbert cartoon
Dilbert: Did you fund the infrastructure project yet?
Pointy Haired Boss: Nope, I'm playing budget chicken with the Director of Operations. I'm hoping that his department needs the infrastructure more than we do. If I can bluff him into funding the project with his budget instead of mine, I win.
by PHB-Slave September 17, 2009
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