Andrés is a great dad. He's always caring and attentive with the members of his family. He makes bad jokes that are not supposed to make you laugh but they still do because of the way he says them. At times he may seem like a very serious and quiet person, even a bit hostile when loses his patience, but in reality he's very polite and can be very kind to others. In addition he's a hardworker and would do anything to make sure his family's needs are covered. He's also surprisingly smart and has insteresting ideas. For all of these things we love you very much! but remember that there are other tv channels besides the dominican ones <3
Andrés is the best dad someone could've asked for.
by Oreo_08 January 21, 2022
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André is a guy that doesnt give a shit about anything. He is just on another planet all the time. He is really awkward and im pretty sure he doesnt know how he got here. Also he puts milk before the cereal so he could just be a psicopath.

Ps: but if you wanna hang out with him, hes all for it. He probably dong know where hes going but hes going with you.
Yo that guy's name is probably André.
He just crossed the street without looking both ways.

As in portuguese we say: "Esse gajo ta bue atoa ya"
by TitoKnowsManyWords November 22, 2021
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He's a hot person who every girl has had a crush on. He usually wears his shorts low and is really funny to everyone. Teachers usually scold or scolded him and he got in a lot of trouble but he is a beautiful soul trapped in a beautiful person. You never regret meeting an Andrés. He is the bet guy friend you can have. If you know an Andres you're REALLY lucky
"Whaaaat the heeeell Elisa, you had a crush on Andrés???"

"Shut up Roby. Every girl has had one ok him. Even you!"

"True, true. But not anymore, he is all your because I actually heard he has a crush on you."

by Maialen May 14, 2017
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1. Nicest man you will ever meet, never treats a woman badly and avoids conflicts with other males as conflict is for peasants. Usually used to refer someone as a gentleman.
2. Is always in a good mood around other people, as he knows how to hide his negative emotions and not make his problems everybody else´s problems.
An André, despite being reserved, always charms the ladies with his good sense of humor and classy behaviour.
3. Refers to "that french guy" with whom your girlfriend cheated on you on her exchange in France.
Also used to describe someone who is a saint on the streets, but a freak in the sheets.

Not to be confused with "Andre", that guy is just as retarded as his name without "é".
"I wish I had such an André boyfriend."
by ticosuizo March 23, 2017
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White nerdy boy, who is always looking at some weird stuff on his computer. He looks very shy but is spicy in private.
Boy: André is so clever I wish I was like him.
by youwishyouknew123 May 9, 2023
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André is an angel undercover. He has a big ass heart & will never judge you for anything, but that doesnt mean he won’t call you out on your bullshite.

André is also super funny and will make any soul in the room with him smile.
Person 1: I’m having a very bad day
*André enters the room*
Person 2: who’s that guy? Seems like you can talk to him
Person 1: hi André, is it ok if i talk to you?
André: of course! Tell me all about it.

Person 2: Ah, that’s so André of him
by Maria Supreme November 21, 2021
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Person 1: "Look up 'André'!"
Person 2: "There is no entry."
Person 1: "Plausible."
by Nimajn January 13, 2022
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