Guy 1: I can't wait for the Winds of Winter to be released
Guy 2: I'd just forget about it, there's no way GRRM's going to finish it.
by dragon titties August 17, 2017
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Ewww Jonny that stinks! Did you pass wind?
by bonzi89 February 27, 2015
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Planetary wind is a stupid fucking earth science term that you will never use in life
by Ryan Kick February 21, 2018
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(v) To shake or grind the body in a leisurely, deliberate manner to bring attention to one's sensual state of mind.
Damn look at the slow wind that girl has goin' on the dance floor, she knows how to work the junk in that drunk trunk.
by Eamon April 12, 2006
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What cops say when they are willing to let you go for possession of marijuana if your give up who sold it to you
i got stopped by the cops and they found my dimebag in the glove compartment he said he was willing to do a wind test if i gave up the guy who sold it to me, but since dealer guy was my boy i just took the charge
by BE-Z August 17, 2008
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When a person bathes using wind combined with cologne or perfume as a substitute for water and soap. Most wind-bathers attempt to clean themselves on the way to school, events or their workplace making use of the wind from highway trafficking.
"With the grease dripping from his hair and enlarged pores, you know he strictly takes wind-baths."
by informee March 6, 2013
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brit 1: hey Thomas do you smell that?
brit 2: yes I do, is that spicy wind?
brit 1: shit the twats ove-
by Señor Twat March 27, 2019
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