A metal band that at 1st showed great promise , sounding like a mixture of classic metal such as Metallica/Iron Maiden. But by their 2nd album they lost their minds.

Since losing their minds , their original guitarist left the band and was replaced by a guy with a fro. The singer went psychotic and got 5 inch ear gauges. Their music since losing their minds now resembles something more like a mixture of Nickelback/All That Remains.
Guy 1 : Have you heard the new Black Tide?

Guy 2 : Yeah , that shit fucking sucks... and I told em so on facebook and those douchebags actually had the nerve to block me for saying it.

Guy 1 : Jeez really?

Guy 2 : Yeah

Guy 1 : Man fuck Black Tide , their assholes AND their music sucks and they've gone insane now

Guy 2 : Yeah
by BlacktideFingsucks4893 August 6, 2011
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A woman's period. Often used in the phrase "riding the crimson tide" -- which can mean "having one's period" or "having sex with a woman who has her period"
I'm riding the crimson tide -- you have a spare pad?
by TechnoZombie September 20, 2003
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The natural fluctuation of messages posted in an online chat.

Chat tide applies to any online chat, for example Twitch chats, Discord servers or video games with universal chatting systems.

When chat tide is high, messages are posted frequently.

When chat tide is low, messages are posted infrequently. The chat may even be completely silent.
Is it just me, or is the chat tide extra noticible in this server?
by Jeeworth August 13, 2021
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To be 'on the blob' is to have a Crimson Tide
by Lanz212 March 13, 2013
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When you let a serious fart "rip" while swimming in the ocean.
You might want to swim a little further away from me, I'm totally ripping tide right now.
by rockyracoon86 June 20, 2011
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A salutation amongst the humans that were unable to score high enough in life to be an Auburn fan.
"Roll Tide, my sister's pregnant and I'm the grandfather!"

All reply "Roll Tide."
by All Orange Everything February 19, 2015
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the best rock band today. will hopefully push out all the crappy emo music like My Chemical Romance and Taking Back Sunday out of the business, and open a new era of good metal guitars and solos longer than 3 seconds.
Person: OMG Black Tide is a gift from God!
Person 2: Yeah now I don't have to keep telling people My Chemical Romance and Taking Back Sunday suck!
by feed_your_metal_gland March 22, 2008
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