a creepy person who follows peeps round and hangs about places l8 at night
imogen is a creppy cat throwing lurker
by fedor1eme April 29, 2008
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A person that always seems to be there when you blaze even though he has never been informed of the blazing.
David Somberg is such a lurker
by Alan & Phil December 29, 2004
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A freakish person who doesn't just creep around corners and stalk people; they lurk about, following and annoying those who think that they are a weirdo (which is everyone). They are always THERE; in the background of a picture, standing right behind you while your waiting to get picked up from school, hiding in your shower...you never know they're there.
Gosh did you see that guy's dad following us last night? He was hiding in my shower when I got home! He is such a LURKER.
by Steve&OmOm November 2, 2010
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a lurker is what they call in england, basically a pimple.
Oi! I have a really big lurker on my chinny chin chin!
by jer_master_12 April 16, 2005
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One who commits the act of lurking: Looking at people's comments/blogs/bulletins/friends/ect. but ever talks to said person. These people often have no life and are on myspace as much as possible. Some are quite ugly and have absolutely no social life.
She was lurking my comments like all night. What a lurker!
by lurky mac lurky lurk November 27, 2008
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A lurker is the female version of a creeper. Lurkers are girls that are weird, odd, or anti-social. They almost never like attention on themselves, and are usually creepily quiet. They can sometimes be stalkers.
'Look at that lurker...'
'Yeah, she's been around quiet a bit lately.'
by Cass H January 9, 2006
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a loser in a forum that is always there but is too afraid to post
by f00 August 16, 2003
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