Acronym for "Oh My Swift!" generally used by the millions of awesome Swifties worldwide in praise of The Fearless One, Taylor Swift. Similar to the over-rated and over-used OMG, but more.. FEARLESS. Usually used to express great joy, happiness and all the awesomeness of being a Swifty.
OMS! Her dress is so sexy!
by guyswiftyonethree August 7, 2011
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OMS means "on my shit", you can fill in the blank between "on my" and "shit" and say "omss" "on my same shit" or "OMCS" "on my classy shit" or whatever.
Dude 1- what's been going on wit chuck lately?
Dude 2- nothing much just been "OMS", you know... chillin...
by KJOMATIC September 22, 2018
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You know the sound you make while eating something delicious? Yeah.
by ahmeds_huge_penis February 1, 2022
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O, My Self
This one for the atheists. .They believe in themselves instead of a god, so, this one is instead of O, My God.
by Skizmo April 5, 2007
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Where you cut other people because you hate their lives.
Opposite of the word emo.
I'm so ome I cut a hobo's arm.
by Plaster Master January 16, 2010
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