Masturbating to something (i.e. Porn, Someone you got dirty with) you tugged one off to a long time ago
"Hey I haven't seen that video for ages! Time for a Nostalgia Wank"
"It's good to be back"
by Wooooool November 24, 2013
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A condition in which fond memories of something cause a failure to perceive it objectively at a later time.
Thanks to my nostalgia blindness, I feel that movie I saw when I was six years old is still great, even though it doesn't hold up anymore.
by Razum Tazum August 20, 2020
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Pulling in old characters/concepts and ideas from classic movies/tv shows and putting them into new media to sucker in their fans and to make them believe something is "good" because the familiar is there.
Person 1: Wow, Star Wars Rogue One is so good. I clapped and cheered when Darth Vader showed up. R2 D2 and C3po also appeared and therefor this is good Star Wars Content.

Person 2: I can't believe you fell for the Nostalgia Bait.
by x2x3yme February 13, 2022
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When some one brings something up from your childhood that you completely forgot, and it blows you away like a nuke.
Me: Dude do you remember that show Yu Yu Hakasho or Fighting Foodons?
Friend: Holy crap, You need to stop dropping nostalgia nukes or you're gonna start world war 3.
by jd8896 March 20, 2011
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Looking at things with nostalgic light even if it's obviously terrible.Especially when it comes to old flames.
Joe:I miss Alex.
Dave: Take off your nostalgia goggles.
Joe: Why?
Dave: She cheated on you,dumped you for a that quarterback who knock her up.
by ryukage99 December 11, 2014
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Unlike nostalgia, a longing for something good from your past and reflecting on the good old days, anti-nostalgia is when you remember something shitty from your past and being glad things are better now. The bad old days.
Jake: Bro, remember back in 2010 when we used to play Halo together on the Xbox 360? Those were the good old days, huh?

Nathan: Nah dude, I remember in 2010 when I was about to get a 20 kill streak in Reach and got the red ring of death. Had to get a new system. That shit gives me anti-nostalgia.
by King Butthole December 8, 2019
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When the nostalgia is so heavy, that you start to cry and regret the present. We all have had this feeling and always will do. You imagine the old parks and memories. Yeah, it was a great time, wasn't it?
- Bro, why you're crying?
- I am in frightful nostalgia!
- I am so sorry for you.
by TypicalDoomer April 28, 2021
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