'Minneapolis Skyline' is a code for a girl bending over.
"Check out that waitress over there, she's giving us the Minneapolis skyline"
by MolotovN August 4, 2013
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1: Code for a woman bending over
2: A tattoo just above the ass.
1: "Check out that waitress over there, she's giving us the Minneapolis skyline"
2: "Check out that waitress over there, I think she has a Minneapolis skyline"
by DoctorBonkus August 4, 2013
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The resulting view of when a woman bends over and her panties are slightly revealed.
Jeb: "Hey, did you see it when Jenny bent over to tie her shoe?"
Mark: "Yeah, man. That Minneapolis Skyline was bomb."
by radical love August 4, 2013
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Similar to the Cleaveland Steamer, but performed not with solid fecal matter, but with the free flowing fecal matter of diarrhea.

While lovers are having intercourse, one will release the diarrhea onto the other's face and body and spread it all over them with their body and limbs.
Jeremy wasn't feeling very well one night, and in an attempt to perform the Cleaveland Steamer on his partner, he accidentaly let out the Minneapolis Steamer. Jeremy and his partner then made the best of the situation and beganing rubbing the fecal matter all over each other.
by Kamf October 22, 2006
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Pulling a Minneapolis means you are gonna burn something to the fucking ground, i.e. cause utter chaos.
Johnny: Dude I messed with the quiet kid and now he's freaking out.
Nick: What did he say?
Johnny: He said he's gonna pull a minneapolis, and burn the whole school to the ground.
Nick: We better get the fuck outta here.

Pulling a minneapolis.
by Squiddo6996 May 30, 2020
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When a girl bends over to show you her lower back tattoo.
"Check out that waitress over there, she's giving us the Minneapolis Skyline."
by ThatGuyEveryoneLikes August 4, 2013
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Ur on vacation in minnesota and ur girl is giving ya head....right when ur about to blow u puckh her in the nose, pull out cum in her face and throw her out in the cold to let the cum and blood freeze together.
by Matt Carnes Pick It up October 21, 2008
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