The act of lying on ones back and being sick in a way that imitates a fountain effect
Person A: Did you see james last night?
Person B: Yeah he made a nasty chunder fountain on his face
by FPSG August 17, 2010
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Referred to when a female (or male) has been out on the lash and begins to chunder. She is sitting down with her legs apart in the same way a woman would sit when giving birth and is being sick between them. As if the chunder is her new born baby.
Girl: I was sat on the street puking between my legs on the road I think... very classy

Dude: Sounds like you had a Chunder Baby last night!
by Contrabassman August 30, 2010
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The art of resembling an animal whilst in the act of vomiting, usually as a result of excessive alcohol consumption. One can usually find a chunder animal between the times of 11pm and 5am in toilets, bins and on street corners across the globe.
Wow, look, its the infamous (Chunder Dragon).

O my, is that a Chunder animal, could it be...yes, yes it is, its the chunder cod, and hes with the chunder goat, get the camera.
by Chunder Frog May 15, 2011
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When on a heavy drinking session the bloated feeling of too much liquid can be removed and loss of control to huge drunkeness can be avoided by voluntarily being sick otherwise known as going for a tactical chunder.
I have just been to the toilet for a tactical chunder
by Adam Forsyth September 14, 2006
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eating, chewing, licking, or sucking vigorously and loudly.
my neighbor stopped by this morning to inform me that he could hear me chundering his sister's pussy through the wall last night.

charlie chunders his clam chowder like a heathen.
by Frankie Hands December 14, 2009
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While in the process of projectile chundering due to excessive alcohol consumption, flapping your arms up and down so that you look like a dragon. The vom flying out your mouth is supposed to resemble fire - depending on what you've eatne
Man 1 "uuuuuuurrrgggggggggggh"
Man 2 " quick! flap your arms, you'll look like a dragon"

Man 1 performs the Chunder Dragon
by warndog123 February 26, 2010
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An extension of the Cry Wank.

To vomit at the same time as crying and wanking.
I imagined her having sex with her new boyfriend & had a Chunder Crank.
by lykenlove April 16, 2011
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