A really scary dude who allegedly molested some chicks like 20 years ago. Some say bill cosby lives in my basement, and that's scary af.
me: did you hear about the man in my basement?
fuckboy: yea, isn't it bill cosby?
by therealestOG December 10, 2014
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Verb: Slang term for engaging in anal intercourse.
To Bill Cosby someone.
I want to, I want to Bill Cosby you
by Anal Intruder July 25, 2005
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(V.)To lure in Caucasians with pudding and then jump the innocent victim for money.
"So I saw the Olsen Twins down the street the other day and just decided to go and Bill Cosby."
by Mr. Luv Trane July 19, 2014
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hi im bill cosby i raped someone im in prison
by ayyyy my name bill October 6, 2020
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When your fucking a black girl in the ass and then you pull out and shove a pudding pop up there and start fucking her with it and yell "IT'S YOUR UNCLE BILL BITCH!"
I picked up this dirty nigga ho in an ally. I couldn't finish cause this pussy was terrble so i pulled off The Bill Cosby.
by The Angry Nisch January 24, 2010
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A Jell-o shot.

Can also be called a Cosby or a Cosby shot.
They have a ton of Cosby's in refridgerator!

Let's take a Cosby shot.

I was ridiculous from those Bill Cosby's last night.

I took a Bill Cosby. Now I'm throwed.
by Shot-caller. November 3, 2010
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