The word "animation" is based on a contraction of anim "life" and motion "movement".

Anime may be linguistically the abbreviation of "animation". But around the world, anime is always associated with japanese animation.
by Anim8r May 18, 2010
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The worst drug, even worse than a single weed
“Help im addicted to anime
“Oh? What anime?”
by Shit alias May 2, 2019
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a mistake a prime example of why two nukes wasn't enough
ashungia do you want to go to watch fire force the anime
by panzergang420 March 6, 2021
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Used to describe someone who is just a savage, vicious animal bastard.
(Sometimes pronounced with random excentuated consanants and vowels. Fore example. "You Annn-i-mal!!"
Guy 1: Glen is eating that steak out of a cup with a butterknife only..
Guy 2: He just jammed the who thing in his mouth so he could keep playing Dark Souls..
Both: What an animal..
by Demoplay November 26, 2011
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an animer is an anime fan
i am an animer
animers make great friends
by gabriel cloud May 23, 2011
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meat of an animal is called an animeal
I ordered an animeal today and its still not here
by ItzRichyBish August 16, 2018
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A group of close friends and family. They are also a bunch of crazy naaiers that will rock up and fock where ever they go.
Team G wants to be like the Animals
by TheAnimalSA May 12, 2016
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