She'' make you feel bad. She is not kind and not sweet. She hates everyone she talks to and they all hate her back. Is an Alivia is spelled with an A and not an O. STAY AWAY THEY ARE MEAN AND WILL SOMETIMES THREATEN TO KILL YOU>
by Luna Moon December 10, 2019
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Theeeeee raunchiest bitch you’ll ever meet. That pussy stank and her edges crusty and dusty. That hoe has problems and needs some
Assistance. Every time u see her she alone like spongebob with his bad breath ... if you see a dirty Alivia spray some perfume on that bitch bc she need it.
I think I see a dirty Alivia comming this way ... hide before u die of her damn breath
by Phewwwww April 16, 2020
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December 1st is to appreciate anyone in your life names Alivia.

Your mom's name's Alivia? Tell her how much she means to you!
Your friends name, your cousins name, your aunts and much more. Tell them how much they matter to you!!!
Hello Alivia, I appreciate you so much for always being there for me through my rough, funny and embarrassing times. Happy Alivia appreciation day!
by Your_local_friend November 6, 2022
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Alivia Rae is a stunning girl with a beaming bubbly personality and the best person to crack a joke with
Have u seen Mrs t lately?
WHO alivia Rae?
Yes that leng one
by S.secret December 12, 2022
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The Nicest most beautiful girl I've ever met. I talk to her every day and each day it doesn't feel real, almost like a movie, that if she was at the end of an impossible maze I'd spend my last days trying to get to her.
Alivia B. The only girl that ever made me feel like myself.
by SomeoneWhoNeedsAhug November 6, 2023
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Alivia Ann is an incredible human being. So caring, loving and sweet. She tends to get grumpy when she’s sleepy, she loves her brother lots but can also hold her own when they disagree. Alivia couldn’t be more of a blessing to all that are blessed enough to know her.
“Caleb is going to take her tablet! Oh it’s okay, it’s Alivia Ann...she’s got this.”

“I’m so blessed to have Alivia Ann...”
by Deanjp2128 September 14, 2020
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