Sluts with braces or who had braces that are always trying to sleep around.
That brace face slut tried to suck my dick. Bitch don't be a cheese grater.
by Pch20 February 24, 2018
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When someone rubs a penis and or dildo up and down on a person's six pack.
by sexi mexi6969 January 7, 2011
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When you repeatedly rub your balls on a chicks face so fast that your pubes fall off
Callum: did you cheese grater that bitch today bro?
George: Fuck yeah.
by George Leg February 27, 2019
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thw worst type of porn/hentai, it's basically vore using a cheese grater
"I can't believe I got off to Cheese grater hentai... the fuck is wrong with me"
"my friend sent me Cheese grater porn... I think I'm going to do it this time." (loads gun)
by Just_ahaha February 20, 2021
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A sexual position in which one party is the cheese and the other party is the grater.
Sarah: "I was just with Chelsea the other night..."
James: "Dude, awesome, did she give you the Cheese Grater?"
by makkapakka-akkawakka February 23, 2021
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