Laying mack is one of the finest arts to date. Mack itself is defined on the urban dictionary as hitting on or flirting with a female using verbal or physical means.

"Laying mack" is when one macks in a very convincing and smooth manner such that he "lays" the mack.

Laying mack is only art on mastered by the finest coothmasters and slayers.
Today I saw Lloyd lay mack on my best friend. Even I was falling in love.
by Lloyd The Coothmaster December 27, 2016
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He’s is a faggot and a big simp who likes his moms coochie
by Gamergod42069 February 7, 2020
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A geek who is intellectual and has mad skills with the ladies.
You are so cool and nerdy your a Geek Mack.
by crazy in korea February 7, 2013
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A very independent person that is all about his/her money. Can and will get anyone he/she wants . very kind and loyal. The true defintion of ride or die.
Mack Dosha is a person you can always count on.
by The wonderful bihh December 20, 2016
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Someone who is easy to mack on or hook up with.
1.) Dude I hit that hard. She's totally easy-mack.

2.) I'm gonna get some tonight with that easy-mack.
by mackdonalds May 26, 2010
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Macking on an easy target to disguise your real crush.
I was decoy macking on Julian, but I'm really into Danny.
by michellejigga June 16, 2010
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Mack moves are Moves that a super fly gangsta sexy booty boo baller puts on a bad bitch to make her smile and sometimes get all the loves.
Pullin mack moves like Dang boo i be loving all your sexy ass curves, but my favorite is your smile
by Mack moves on my bae January 12, 2018
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