(adj.)The point where things start to get very weird and the human mind starts to go numb. A time period where people are more likely to do something stupid in groups. Can be the most fun you ever have.
Man that was the weirdest session of late night battlefield. Everyone started crawling around in a big pile.
by Murgle March 1, 2018
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When you acknowledge the existence of a show regardless of how ridiculously stupid it just might be, but because there's nothing else on TV, it is ironically entertaining.
1. Late Watched Gossip Girl; because One Tree Hill finished and you were to lazy to change the channel.

2. Late Watched Sex in the City; because knowing the difference between Carrie and Miranda makes you that much more attractive to women.

3. I Late Watched star trek because the remote control was all the way on the other side of the room
by theloltrain December 30, 2010
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A late night surprise occurs when you are asleep and your younger brother sneaks into your room and sticks his cock up your dry bumhole.
Christian you better not give me another late night surprise tonight
by SamB14 May 23, 2020
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Staying late at work due to an appointment, meeting, or an excess of work that needs to be done.
Oh shit, I forgot that I have an appointment this afternoon, and i need to make my time up, Looks like I will be here balls late...
by Sped81 September 2, 2008
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When a feeling of sadness/depression comes over you when staying up late
Man, I got late night low again, what should I do?
by Megalodonmaniac344 November 4, 2020
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