Epic Meal Time (EMT) is a meal, usually late at night, in which the most tasty, savory, sweet and unhealthy foods are consumed.
John: Yo you know what time it is?
Dingus:2 am?
John: No, it’s Epic Meal Time you fucking faggot
by #s r = 2 letters May 15, 2018
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Two more times a slang created by greensprings school lekki meaning say a word two more times
by By Jesse usifo July 6, 2022
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Is a slang originated from greensprings school lekki as a slang that could be used for ask again the difference is just that it could be used for none question
by Hskgdjuw March 20, 2020
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fat black mans shakes his booty.
"I'm feeling mighty passionate today"
"Mods asleep post passion time"
by bwanson March 27, 2021
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When a chain of events take place at the perfect time, but for all the wrong reasons.
A: "That SUV was driving rather quickly after seeing that green light from far away, but suddenly a pickup truck decided to cross the intersection right as soon as the SUV was about to pass by and the SUV ended up T-boning the pickup truck."

B: "Darn. What a perfectly wrong timed moment."

A: "Yeah, it really was."
by TirakyneTripleA June 14, 2022
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Someone who is indestructible and rides around in time forever and everywhere righting wrongs
Im a Rider in Time, Adamantine I'm indestructible
by HowardJulianRogers 08/01/1965 September 6, 2023
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When all the clocks are slightly wrong, and everyone's running slightly late (or early), but somehow everything happens at the right moment and everything works out.
1. I was running 20 minutes late, had lost my umbrella, and was worried about leaving the cat alone. Then Jim came back but he'd forgotten his keys. I let him in, he stayed home and looked after the cat and lent me his umbrella. Irish timing saved me again.
2. There was a car crash delaying the bus I was gonna take, so I didn't make it to the event. Turns out it was my Irish Timing. The event had been cancelled and I had a great night with my friends instead.
by Redhaired Avenger December 16, 2017
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