by SABINDINE October 23, 2017
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There's to ways to use the word Nigga
1. To degrade a black man who has a job, family, and contributes to society.
2. To a name someone who lives in the ghetto, abuses welfare, doesn't have a job, deals drugs, and carries handguns around with them.
Boe: Yo lets go jack this nigga's car.
Carl: Nah bitch this nigga's got a job and he worked hard for this.

Nigga: Yo nigga hook me up with some hood scratch.
Nigga: Bitch get your own i spent my whole damn welfare check on it.
by suicidebomba69 January 24, 2011
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Another term for friend. Mostly used by African-Americans but can also be used by other races.
"What up my white nigga? Do you wanna go chill with some of my asian niggas?"

"No thanks, I'd rather go hang out with my lady niggas."
by Black Jesus Christ November 25, 2009
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The word originates from, "negro" which means black in spanish. It is a term used among african-american people to represent humbleness and freedom. It is used only through and to black people to remind eachother of black history and where black people come from. It is very uncommon for a black person to allow a white person to use the word for it is often mistaken for; "nigger" which is used to be ignorant and racist. However, it is possible depending on the white person. A black person can, however, address a white person as, "nigga."
Did you see that white boy jump? That little nigga got skills.
by Nicegirlz18 April 1, 2011
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Nigger: Used by rich white people to call their slaves with.

Nigga: One who owns J's and has MONAYYY
by Yeeta July 8, 2015
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