A person who deep down knows they are gay but doesnt seem to understand who they are but overall their chill and can get buff
Sammys gay
by Jackintheboxfromurmom July 30, 2022
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That short guy who will not open up unless he trusts you with all his heart is Sammy. He likes to drink a looooot but he's harmless. He is a sweetheart, gives amazing advice to friends and will tell you the hard truth if he considers you a friend. If not, he will say what you want to hear. He can be mature and a child at the same time. It's always fun to hang out with him.
I'm going to drink all night tonight. I'm going to pull a Sammy.
by Eyebrowless Lady May 27, 2020
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A stupid bitch from TikTok that has no life and is always trying to fuck any guy in sight.
by I’m not a dumbo June 27, 2020
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An annoying weeb that looks at hentai. Usually, Sammy is used for a word of offense because of how much of a weeb sammy is
Hey look at that guy over there he’s such a sammy
by Sexy mangos October 7, 2018
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