Doom Zero is legendary. | Why worship God when you can worship Doom Zero?
by J-Dood September 8, 2009
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Kid Rock has a pocket full of pain and a bag of doom.
Kid Rock has a pocket full of pain (Special-K, by Kelloggs) and a bag of doom (LSD).

Anyone else get a sense of impending doom while tripping on LSD? I took a bag of doom and feel all transcendental now, like I wanna go milk a squirrel. I also can't feel my face when I'm with you.
by Bob Johnson 2022 December 5, 2022
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A tank made in ww2 that was a super heavy and looks like a turtle t95
Ah shit I can't pen that Doom turtle
by 333fg March 24, 2023
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A long over due ass whooping hona will receive
Zaiah pulled up to honas house because it’s “honas dooms day” ... she disrespectfully whooped his ass
by April 11, 2021
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Antiquing someone with flour packed into one's rectum.
"Doom fog tastes like shit, but waking up to ram your forehead into your roommate's butt cheeks is worse."
by Splatterblisters November 22, 2016
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I dont know what to say, Its doom on a pregnancy test, In 2021, some dude named "Beyazıt Kartal" Decided to make doom playable on a pregnancy test, Thats all.
Male 1: Hey did you hear of the dude who made doom on a pregnancy test?
Male 2: This is how hard quarantine can effect someone huh?
Male 1: ..What do you mean?
by France Is Terrible July 11, 2023
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A sex position where your penis is going straight down
I used the drop of doom on my girl last night
by Smeag Ik July 26, 2017
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