Loose ends found in a bag of weed (marijuana), or the trimmings of the marijuana plant one can buy in large quantities for cheap. A local term native to Pittsburgh it is also known as “shake.”
“Hey man I heard Luke is going to get some scratch from that dealer.” “Do you mean shake?” “Fuck off scratch is a better name. Just tell them to buy me a 1/2 so I can smoke a bowl.”
by PghDM August 8, 2018
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A coding program typically used in school computer classes.
Hello class, please open Scratch and begin coding a gun.
by DetectiveTeeVee February 21, 2022
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to give something a thought.(as in scratch your head)
c'mon he stares at her all the time.he obviously likes her.scratch on it
by kumartmebro August 31, 2011
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A form of coin or paper currency
I'm gonna hit the streets to get make dis scratch! Girl I'm tryin to get with him he's got dat scratch!

by CoCo Blaze November 3, 2007
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Means to be thinking. Like when you are thinking you scratch your head.
person 1: "What's wrong?"
Person 2: "Nothin, I'm just scratching about what im doing this weekend.?
by Drika October 23, 2008
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I scratched that escape. The killer was right there.

I just scratched the last grocery bag. Carrying all of this food by hand would take so long.
by Lucifina Nightinger October 9, 2019
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An equine fungal infection that affects horses with white feet. It causes lesions that look like a lot of little scratches that ooze and turn crusty.

Contracted from standing in boggy or wet ground for long periods of time.
"Look at how crusty that pony's feet are-- he's got scratches!"

"Better treat his scratches now or they'll only get worse."
by equineknowledge September 30, 2011
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