For some reason, the definitions in remote dictionary are different than definitions in urban dictionary.
Tim couldn't even find anything about his remote in remote dictionary.
by Solid Mantis July 19, 2018
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Getting your hate on about someone or something from a safe enough distance that you can comfortably express your rage or disgust without making anyone aware that you are doing so. Best done alone, behind some bushes or in the back of a van.
Donny snuck off behind some trees to do a bit of remote loathing. It had taken him five days without sleeping, but he could now see that the entire craft fair must clearly be a front for a massive prostitution ring. "I can't walk five feet without tripping over blowjobs and people propositioning me for sex," grumbled Donny, "but so long as I stay here in my secret hidey hole, I can keep an eye on all the perverts and remotely loathe to my heart's content!"
by JLamprey December 11, 2019
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The process of having sexual intercourse by pushing one's penis along and through the naturally occurring rolls of fat of another person.
My 300lb girlfriend wants to stay a virgin so she will only let my get off by finding the remote.
by murd3rfun July 28, 2010
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As the landscape of the workplace changes, so does the way in which people work.

A new up-and-coming term within companies: Remote-flexible

Remote-flexible means work that is able to be executed at a home office or business office. These positions leave the decision to the employee for the majority of the time. (They could be asked to come in for a specific meeting or other business need from time to time.)
"I work for a company that is remote-flexible."
"This position is remote-flexible."
by VirtuallyAnonymous September 12, 2018
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Brian: “yo Brian what’s your roblox password?”
Brain: “swaggy remote”
Brian: “same, twins
by swaggybriannnnnn March 21, 2021
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The act of taking a dump while being on one's smartphone doing either things pertaining to work or looking at sites to prolong your dump to get out of doing work.
Manager: "Time to start making phone calls!"
Worker: "I'll be working remotely...."
by bige42785 August 24, 2011
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the act of an individual who is deployed or at a very long distance from home who has women fawning after them on social media, text, or phone call. This individual gets laid as soon as they return home which could be the same exact day.
Person A: "I heard Andy is remote balling from the desert. I hear all of the girls from his home town want to get their hands on him when he returns!"
Person B: "When he returns, he will be breast stroking through a sea of vag."
by filthyg. August 22, 2014
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