On the Prowl. Individuals who are single and looking for prey (someone to hit on). These individuals are not creepy, but rather have a great sense of game and choose their prey wisely.
Amy: How long have you been single?
Jackie: I have been OTP since May. Oooh, here comes Josh. Gotta go.
by JLinx November 14, 2011
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Antonio: what should we do this weekend
Grant: get OTP for sure
by DA|SY January 19, 2010
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A: Can i call you?
B: Not now, im OTP.
by applesos March 26, 2010
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One True pairing


stfu all you non-canon shippers
Ron and Hermione are my OTP
by eat a narwhal December 31, 2011
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Meaning "One True Pair"
Commonly used my fangirls and fanboys when describing their favourite pairing/ship. One True Pair is used because it is the fangirl or fanboys number one ship.
Dean and Castiel are derfiantly my OTP

I think my OTP would have to be Steve and Tony

My OTP is Katniss and Peeta
by fangirlinthetardis May 12, 2014
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1. One true pairing meaning a combo of two fandoms or celebrities or characters you like.

2. Orgasm tipping point which is the last 1% of the orgasm where your body totally takes over from your mind and takes you (and sometimes your lover) for a whopping ride.
1. Man... danisnotonfire and amazingphil are my otp

2. My body just gave out after my otp
by Why is life so hard January 28, 2013
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