An incorrect spelling of the word "newb" or "noob" or "n00b" (the last one might be considered a somewhat gay way of spelling it but is technically correct).

People who use this spelling of the word are total idiots and are themselves a NEWB.
"Lolz nub ezpk pub gg pwned!" (Sadly, people actually say this and think by saying this they're badass and cool when in fact they're just the opposite.)
by Correct May 19, 2005
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The result of someone who has either lost their hand due to getting it cut, burned, amputated etc. or born without one.
Did you hear about the new kid with the nub? He said he was born with it.
by Nubbs87 November 22, 2010
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nub and noob are not the same thing and everyone has it wrong on this site.

pwned them
noob:people who do idiotic things, fail miserably, and will never be good at the game
nub: people who are not anywhere's as close as good as the person who just pwned them, similar to a scrub
Guy 1: wow nub, get pwned...grenade then headshot ty

Guy 2: yah he didnt see that coming
by Jelly and Jeffy February 9, 2010
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For fuckers that don't know how to spell "noob." A "nub" is a cut off body part. Besides, noob or whatever the way you say it, its a stupid word that only little kiddies that think they are all bad ass at computer games use. Stupid asses.
dumbass: y0u gotz nubbed, y0u nub.

me: old are you??
by kazoo December 18, 2003
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When said person beats another with someone's arm nub and/or leg nub.
by Dr.DoggFizzle March 29, 2011
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1. a n00b or newbie
Someone who is new to something, but thinks they are extremely talented in that area.

Christian just started playing the guitar two weeks ago, but he thinks that he is an undiscovered Jimmy Hendrix. He carries his guitar around everywhere and talks to people about his "studies". What a nub.
by andiexdestroy January 14, 2008
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someone who does not have an arm or leg, instead having a little nub.
Bethany hamilton is/ has a nub
"people like to pet my nub, i dont mind"
by rachiebear October 20, 2006
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