A Japanese adjective meaning "beautiful".

It's used commonly by anime fans as part of their broken repertoire of Japanese words. Most of the time it's not even used in the right context, betraying the speaker's ignorance and unwillingness to actually learn the meaning of the Japanese terms they are obsessed over.

Female weebs are distinguished by their frequent use of the term. It's not used by male weebs very often.
Weeb: this game is so kawaii (referring to halo 5)
Me: Shut the fuck up you dumbass. Kawaii means beautiful, not amazing.

Weeb 2: ur so kawaii >.<
Me: I'm a straight guy, don't tell me that I'm fucking "beautiful".
by Brodo_Swaggins October 23, 2016
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It is a Japanese word meaning cute. However, it has become known for describing a blonde white girl who wears pink. It is used as a compliment to say how cute they are. Other words that relate are weaboo, chuu and crybaby. People often get confused about the pronunciation. It can be pronounced two ways: the American way - ka-why, or the Japanese way - ka-why-ee. Either way is right, but you are not truly kawaii unless you say it the Japanese way.
A: "Did you see Maisie today?"
B: "Yeah, she looks so kawaii today!"
by pesudonym May 1, 2015
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It means cute in japanese. Also defines the behavior, appearance, and essence of an individual known as Melmar.
Melmar is UBER-KAWAII!!!!
by Asuran February 14, 2005
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A weeb word meaning weeb shit. Users of this word include and are limited to, furrys and homosexuals.
God I hate when she says Kawaii, that’s so fucking gay
by Retard73 September 17, 2020
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kawaii means cute or pretty.
girl:look how kawaii that girl walks
by .'.; January 2, 2019
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kawaii means cute or pretty.
girl:look how kawaii that girl walks
by .'.; January 2, 2019
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kawaii means cute or pretty.
girl:look how kawaii that girl walks
by .'.; January 2, 2019
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