someone who is obsessed with a band or artist that wants to have sex with someone that is an artist/band.
by chana July 16, 2003
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It's all about the music. Groupies want to be close to rockstars to inspire them.
Up until yesterday you were sleeping with Penny - that fucking groupie!!
by Penny Lane November 3, 2003
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I had sex in that guys trailer last night, he said he was in a band...!
by groupie September 14, 2004
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A young women who like a famous person So much that they will go out of there own character just to meet them, be with,or sleep with.This girl usually has no idea what this person is really like. They get played at the end.
I'm going to write him just to see if he notices me, If that doesn't work then I just might have to show my butt and give him some!!!
by John Legend June 2, 2005
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A picture taken of yourself, with two or more friends, usually from a cell phone, that is planned to be uploaded to Facebook, Myspace or any other sort of social networking website. You can usually see the person's arm holding out the camera in which case you can clearly tell that this person does, in fact, have friends, unlike a selfie. A groupie is usually taken at various social events to further indicate that the person taking the picture goes to cool places with friends and is not the loser that we think they are.
Dilbert: "hey, check out this groupie!!! Me and a couple of my AV partners were totally at Biffs kegger."
by ScaffLaww November 24, 2013
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A person who loves attention and power, and will do anything to get to someones penis.
<Strider> Hi DNA, need me to host some demos?
<dNA> First you must satisfy my wang
<Strider> Sure thing ! *slurp*
by asl December 14, 2003
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One who frequently redeems groupons.
Sue is such a groupie, when yoga is concerned.
by Lindsay the Great August 20, 2015
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