One who possesses the face of a date rapist.
Kumar: " that dude has date rape face."
Harold: "I don't even know what that is."
Kumar: "One who possessed the face of a date rapist."
by Helvette July 17, 2008
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One who posseses the face of a date rapist.
" I can't believe their getting married, he has date rape face" - Harold and Kumar
by Alex Hakafaf July 13, 2008
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one who possesses a face of a date rapist.
kumar- and plus hes got date rape face..

harold- date rape face? im not sure i know what that means.

harold- one who possesses a face of a date rapist..
by R34LPROPER July 29, 2008
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a great insult that has no good response.
joe; well i dont appreciate that
bob:you're a anal rape face
joe: wtf....
by joho104 June 29, 2008
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someone who possesses the face of a date rapist
Harold & Kumar - Escape from Guantanamo Bay:
Kumar: " that dude has date rape face"
Harold: "I don't even know what"
Kumar: "someone who possesses the face of a date rapist"
by lall August 5, 2008
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When an individual's face is stuck with a constant ferocious and hungry look, like that of a serial rapist right before the penetration of an unwilling or unknowing victim.
Vinny: "That bald dude over there has been staring at Molly like he's going to kill her all night. "

John: "Oh no, he's cool. That's just Jake. He's totally got resting rape face."
by FlamingBadgers March 11, 2017
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