the biggest abomination to the techno music genre to date
Dubstepper: "Hey man you want to go check out this new dubstep song i got"

Me: "'ve got to be fucking kidding me...let me guess the beat goes 'whomp,whomp,whomp,whomp,whomp'"

Dubstepper: "wow you have it already?"

Me: "you're a moron."
by twegz18 February 9, 2011
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Really terrible music, composed of overused gritty sounds and random phrases that really don't add anything to the song. The only way it sounds almost acceptable is if your on tons of drugs. This is the decline of music.. much worse than lady gaga
"man this music fucking sucks.... I really don't see what everyone sees in dubstep"
"no man! you just need to be on drugs"
"fuck that.. this redefines the word deadhead. i'm out of here"
by dobby doo September 23, 2011
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The stupidest and most repetitive "music" in the world.
1: Dude i was just listening to some dubstep, soo prime!

2: So you were just listening to recordings of guys pushing buttons.
by FTW MAWTHA April 3, 2011
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dubstep artists like skream, emalkay, savior, antisyrum, loefah, the widdler, nero, caspa, rusko ect.
by Bümschtîckauh Bauldãdæsch February 24, 2009
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A genre of music that sounds like a robot being fucked in the ass
Guy #1 :Did you check out that new Dubstep track?

Guy #2 :the one that sounds like a robot being fucked in the ass?

Guy #1 Yeah, that one
by Dman Dman April 7, 2011
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the most awfull music on earth, created and listened to by complete tools who think WOB WOB WOB is good music.
Ew, do you hear that dubstep?
by hjfklasdjf August 16, 2011
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Dubstep is what we called "techno" in the very early '90s.

Go look up singles from Enigma and The Shamen, kids.

If rap's your thing and you want some serious bass, go find some M.C.A.D.E. Not the best rap out there, but the bass is solid. Don't bother with headphones -- you won't hear the bass. Get yourself some old fashioned amps and subs.
You think dubstep invented electronic bass? C'mon, son, we'll go dig out some of my vinyl techno singles from the '80s. Ain't nuthin' new under the sun.
by db0390ud October 19, 2011
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