I think it's so stupid how people say how "slutty" abercrombie is. Their clothes aren't meant to be slutty. also, i really don't think they're shirts are that expensive either. i was reading a definition on aeropostale and someone said that abercrombie's clothes are so cheaply made and that they rip after one wash. psh hhh that is retarded. personally, i love abercrombie and hollister, american eagle too, and i think its sad that people talk about how much they hate it. like i dont talk about how much i hate stores like hot topic. i know plenty of people that don't shop at abercrombie that i like and i dont think i'm better than them. every one likes diffrent things
abercrombie isn't slutty, cheap, or overly expensive
by whocaressss August 27, 2006
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a store which i will never understand. I mean, most of the guy's clothing there is for gay men, and yet, a lot of straight men get shirts there. And the thing that ticks me off the most is that their 'models' wear no clothing. Good advertising.
Metro: Dude, lets go to A&F
Straight: Yo, that place is for fags.
Metro: Dude, you're just saying that cuz you aint got no money. hahaha
by T. Lex February 10, 2005
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an overpriced clothing company, usually targeting teens and young adults. most people can not afford the clothes. abercrombie clothes are made for buff guys and skinny girls. girls usually wear more abercrombie items then guys. uses same material most of the time as hollister, american eagle, and aeropostale but is still more expensive somehow. rich people often have most of there clothes from abercrombie. some people who wear abercrombie are spoiled, stuck up, gay, or very rich. the most common people are the spoiled ones who think they are cooler or better than everybody else just because they are wearing overpriced clothing.
guy: dude what brand shirt is that?

guy 2: i think its just a regular tee-shirt with a no-name brand

guy: well my shirts cooler its abercrombie.
by thomas14 April 30, 2012
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a total anomaly of a store. They sell clothing that looks and feels used for more than the same thing brand new. There advertising is all people not wearing any close at all. There sucsses as a company seems to be only existing upon the fact that some kids are to dumb to even notice that they are paying extra for close that look like they were pulled off a homeless person.
That person looks like he just rolled down a hill.

No he is just wearing this years abercrombie clothes
by dolbert June 22, 2007
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store for single-minded, unoriginal tools who pay a lot more for the same thing they can get at the Gap or American Eagle. usually massive tools.
whoa! look at the tool in the abercrombie shirt.
by brown from MSU February 13, 2005
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A clothing store for teens. Considered preppy, slutty, upper-middle class clothing store. You can say that this store is a joke and that its stupid to buy jeans with holes already in them well if you really don't care you are wasting your time writing a definition of Abercrombie because you probably don't shop there and wouldn't know what the clothing is like. And for whoever said that the shirts gives you boobs... well they don't do anything different from what the other stores do you won't find any extra padding in the shirts so I don't know where you got that idea... If you are unhappy with the way Abercrombie and Fitch make their clothing or how it looks or how expensive it is (note: It may only be expensive to you so calling it expensive or over priced is your own opinion so keep it to yourself others don't care about it.) then don't shop there, ignore it, don't judge others by what they wear. Maybe some people like the way the clothing looks it is their opinion and their choice to wear it. Not yours so keep bitching and making a fool of yourself.

I thought that would be obvious but according to a lot of these comments it's not
Thumbs up if you agree
If its a thumbs down too bad for you deal with it and go cry in a corner!
Abercrombie is a store for people who want to buy the clothes and can. Not for goth, emos, and cry babies who can't afford it so they bitch about it being dumb and a waste of money, well its not to everyone so shut up. If you don't like it try JC Penneys, Pac Sun, Hot Topic, Macy's, or a life.

Buy if you want to
by Hannah2866 October 14, 2007
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hey!!! uh, abercrombie-wearing people are not all 'clones' or 'zombies' who are sluts and 'valley girls' i mean just because you dont like abercrombie (or you have some sort of grudge against someone cooler than you who DOES) dont put that shit here.
plus, wearing a&f is not necessarily conformity-ever thought that people might just LIKE the clothes, and THATS what makes it a multi-million dollar company??
Hey look at that Abercrombie model-he's hot as hell.
by rannndom April 19, 2007
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