October 30th, the anniversary of the release of Wonderwall by Oasis.

A day where one attempts to listen to Wonderwall as much as possible.
David: “Dude! I’m so excited for Wonderwall Day!”

Sphtheven: “I know, I’m going to listen to it 334 times!”
by Jee-Dubya October 1, 2018
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Being at a gig and so exhausted that you must leave, and are unable to make it through the last song. Even if it's Wonderwall.
To hit the Wonderall.

Hitting the Wonderwall.

"I'm stuffed guys, I have to go home. I've hit the wonderwall"

"where's John?"

"He went home, he hit the wonderwall."
by kingofeastlands July 27, 2013
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The ultimate banned riff that is never to be played but is often requested
“That’s pretty cool, but can you play smells like smoke on the wonderwall to hell“
by RatteCat January 15, 2021
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You can't stop thinking about that person who is always on your mind. Thinking of that person all the time.
He is my wonderwall and I don't think he will ever stop being that.
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Some one special who you have deep infatuation and respect for and you think they will save you from misery or loneliness
Maybe you're gonna be the one who saves me and after all you're my Wonderwall
by professeiur April 12, 2021
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When you put your thumb in a female vagina and your finger in her ass and pinch your fingers together and can feel them pinch inside of her. The layer of skin you are pinching is the Wonderwall.
“Last night I was fingering this chick and stuck a finger in her ass and played with her Wonderwall.”
by Jewmar35 March 26, 2019
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someone who makes you happy
“because maybe you’re gonna be the one who save me, and after all you’re my wonderwall”
by mickenna May 14, 2021
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