Derogatory term for a woman. Cross between a Cunt, and a Stank. The lowest of the low to call a girl. In other words a real nasty whore by the 10th power.
Melissa is acting like real skunt tonight, after making out with two guys then getting gang-bang by the basketball team, while singing "When the Saints go Marching In.".
by The Duck-Man December 30, 2010
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The time you pulled out and had to drive an hour to drop her ass off, cause that satanicbrat you could smell for a week. In terms of skunky cunt
Skunt smell wuu that shit stank, like old tuna.
by MineOwedWu's January 14, 2021
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A skunt is a curse word which is mainly used in the country Guyana and it means Fuck Shit Bitch And Nigga combined
Yooo Tommy deh yeah he a mudda skunt
by Certified Guyanese January 3, 2020
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SKUNT: A descriptive word used to shorten: Skanky Kunt. Skanky Kunt same as: TRASHY PUTRID SL*UT! or can be used to describe that a female has a Stinky Box!
Have a go at all the skunts hanging around Pete, there everywhere, do you think he can breathe?
by RaspberriesNcream September 28, 2012
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The act/art of being a skank and a cunt...simultaneously.
Fuckin' Skunts!

Stop being such a damn Skunt!
by Adam Woo May 20, 2008
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The word scunt (when spelt with a c) is a shorter version of the phrase sloppy cunt. However when spelt with k, skunt than bcomes a combination of two words, skunk and cunt, implying that a skunt is a skunk like cunt or smelly pussy.
Man that girls scunt was really hairy

Man that bitch had a skunt that could be smelled from a mile away
by IAN THE WISE January 8, 2007
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