national show your friends your titties day, all woman have to show booba on october 19th
yo ari it’s october 19th so like show your tits
by phy2u October 19, 2021
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National Slap your Boyfriend Day

The one day a year where girls can get all of their frustration towards their BF out, and not get blamed for it
Boy 1: Yo Brittany slapped me today, how weird is that
Boy 2: Well yeah, its October 19th, shes allowed
by TOEskiBROdki October 17, 2019
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October 19th is national beat up anyone named finn day
person 1: *beats up*

finn: ow bro, why'd you do that?

person 1: becayse its national beat up anyone named finn day

october 19th a day
by ghostswithen October 19, 2020
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October 19th is national tell your crush you like them day!! If your friends don’t tell their crush they like them you get to slap them.
hey john!
yes clarke?
it’s october 19th, national tell your crush you like them day!!
oh shit i better go tell jessica i like her
by yaskween October 18, 2020
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National JoJo day. October 19th is specifically when the story of Stone Ocean had begun.
"Hey, it's October 19th!"
"Yeah? And?"
"National JoJo day!"
by 0994 December 7, 2020
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October 19 is national eat your crushes shit day
If you have a crush wait in the bathroom and let them shot in ur hand and then eat it on October 19th
by Bob the builders butt cheek October 18, 2020
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If you are a crack head with out drugs October 19th is your day to be a bigger crack head
by Bob the builders butt cheek October 18, 2020
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