To be decieved into clicking a youtube link on an internet message board that leads to a 'Rick Astley - Never gonna give you up' video, under the pretense of it being something else. Has its origins in 4chan and World of Warcraft boards.
"Hmm 'click here for more tentacle hentai', lets see *click*"


"fuuuuuuuck I've been rickrolled!"
by Julez83 May 17, 2007
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The unintentional or unwanted viewing or listening of 80's smash hit 'Never Gonna Give You Up', by Rick Astley.
- Man, some guy was playing music at a raid, and I was trying to work out what it was, but man, I got RickRolled Dude!
- Lawl!
by Anon_01 February 12, 2008
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When one clicks on a link to a video expecting some fascinating and timely video related directly to the conversation at hand only to discover it is a link to the music video "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley.
Bill said he posted a link to gameplay footage from the new StarCraft game, but instead he rickrolled me!
by L.A.V. May 29, 2007
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An internet fad that involves posting a fake link that supposedly leads to a big announcement or amazing secret, but instead leads to the youtube video "rickroll".
Person 1: Hey, there's the GTAIV trailer in the General Discussions Board!
Person 2: No way!

-clics link to rickroll video-

Person 2: Oh no, I've been rickroll'd!

by kiruyama May 21, 2007
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When poofters from cricsim send you a link to watch some gay stuff and you end up watching Rick "Midnight Vunibaka" Astley's hit single "Never gonna give you up"
Midnight - "Here's my uncle playing union for fiji (insert link here)"

Other Lad - "WTF?!?!?!?!?!!!!!1 Thats gay!!!!"

Midnight - "HAHAHAHAHA I just Rickrolled you I am the best this forum wouldn't exist without me"

by The 1/4 fijian August 5, 2007
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When a woman plays with your heart and wants to use you as a friend but wants to keep you in a state where you are in love with her, much like the lyrics of Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up," where you keep pining after the female but she's just playing you, much like trolls play unsuspecting victims with a classic, internet Rickroll.
Dude, she is never gonna want you more than a friend. Why are you letting her rickroll you?
by bbblllbbblll777 September 23, 2009
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to be reamed during call of dutty due to a bad conection
ok so i shoot you 20 times with an ak 47 and you knife me alright i just got rickrolled
by httpawsomerealnigs July 1, 2011
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