When you go to a party claiming your the biggest pimp and you hook up with lots of girls, but there all ugly or your sisters friends.
He says he's a pimp but i think he's really noob tubing
by walt Deez March 30, 2010
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When some fucktard feels the need to kill with a grenade launcher or bazooka on COD because they were accidents born on the M20 and have no skill
Fag, fuck you, bitch u just noobed me, noob tube
by taylorkid111 March 1, 2012
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One on call of duty mw2 which uses a grenade launcher. Usually they'll have this for perks: One man army, danger close, and commando. The noob tubing fag is very annoying and the only way to get rid of him is to do the same thing.
A player: OMFG noob tubing fag fucking cunt licker get a life

Noob tubing fag: HAHA u got owned by my grenade launcher.
by a real smart guy August 15, 2010
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Any douchebag that uses the grenade launcher as an attachment to assault guns in COD 4 modern warfare. This weapon shows off the douchebaggery and lack of any skill what so ever.
Dude get some skills and stop using that bullshit, you noob tube douche.
by whiskey13 January 23, 2009
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When a person uses a n00b tube (grenade launcher) to win at a video game. Never takes any skill at all and people always complain.
Eric: " noob tube for the win."
Cavs: " wow no skill use a real gun."
by Larsonslike July 6, 2008
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A common term used on Halo 3 for when one uses the sniper rifle to remove the shield of an opponent and then switches to a battle rifle or carbine to finish off the kill for an easy head shot.
OMFG this fucking BK keeps using the sniper and br and he continues to Noob Tube my ass.
by FurY DA SnipeR October 26, 2009
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When your date passes out at a party, before you hook up.
Getting party noob tubed... My friend brought a girl to a party, she passed out early due to being too drunk, therefore makng her a "noob" at partying. Getting noob tubed is when someone in call of duty takes a grenade launcher and kills u with it. Only "noobs" use it and it's annoying to be killed by. So when a girl passs out early and you dont get to hook up with her... you were just party noob tubed. AKA pnt.
by subaru02wrx November 21, 2010
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