People say molly is gorgeous but she doesn't believe any of them. Molly is smart and fit and loves to eat healthy foods. She is not good at maths but loves the arts , including music and drama. Molly has brown hair and dark brown eyes . She has olive skin and is quite tall . Molly has no self confidence and thinks of herself as fat and unneeded . Molly battles with anxiety and has mild depression , her depression occurs because of her past . Mollys favourite food is fruit and she loves a good cup of chai tea morning or night. Molly is a passionate dancer , actor and singer she comes from a backround of dancers and performers , so dancings in her blood. Molly is always comparing herself to others, she never sees herself as perfect. Molly gets nervous around her friends and starts acting hyper and crazy. You can tell when she's sad , she doesn't talk much. Molly is popular with lots of friends but she tends to find none of the boys asking her out. You will find that molly doesn't like expressing her true feelings and hardly ever tells anyone who she likes, molly likes one boy but he will never notice her.

Mollys also a bit weird.
Sara: mollys so weird
James: she is a bit
Cameron:i think she's gorgeous

Millie: yeah!
by Margoklehmann April 2, 2015
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Molly is a girl who hates being referenced to the drug and a dog. She excels in school-NOT in sports. Molly is usually quiet but loud with a big group of friends. Mollys love snuggling with hot chocolate and a good book. She falls easily and breaks her heart often. She is not very confident, although she looks pretty. Molly is a great friend and you should never mistreat her.
Guy 1: Molly is so pretty but so quiet- I think you should ask her out.

Guy 2- no way! Her name is a drug!!

Guy 1: man! Now she'll never go out with you
by October 21, 2013
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Molly is a very attractive, sweet, and athletic. Everybody loves molly. Her smile is so contagious, she can make anyone laugh in a heartbeat. She lights up a room when she walks in. She is so kindhearted, and always has a boyfriend, and whoever isnt her boyfriend is jealous of whoever is. Whenever she gets a boyfriend, she hold onto him forever.
Boy #1: Yeah. I broke up with Molly because she was to needy. But now I realize how amazing she is
Boy #2: Too bad bro. Shes mine now, and I'm not letting her go.
by w a p September 18, 2020
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Molly is an idiot a lot, but she’s one of the most amazing people to have in your life. She makes the worst situations better and doesn’t even realise it. Molly makes the best memories by just being herself. Molly has a contagious laugh and is so charismatic. She is always there for you and you should trust her with your life. She is a health and safety breach waiting to happen but until that point, the madness is electrifying.
Molly is an amazing friend and great human.
by Lushouslesley February 23, 2021
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Molly is the best thing that will ever happen to you. She's so beautiful, kind, funny, cute, and loving. Treat her right and never let her go. -Pinky Swear, B.
I love Molly so much.
by BendyBack December 7, 2020
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Molly the best friend anyone could ever have. She’s kind smart brave outgoing pretty popular even if she doesn’t think so sweet and an amazing friend. She’ll surprise with her kindness and will amaze you with her brains
Guy: is that an angel?
Molly’s Bff: no that’s just Molly
by Bday fairy love you June 15, 2019
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The fittest kindest person in the world. If you are dating a molly you are the luckiest person in the world
Jacob is dating molly. What a lucky cunt
by Youabsoluteshmuck February 12, 2020
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