a person that has the main job of imagining stuff and then drawing them
"Hey have you seen 'APZi the Imaginer'? this dude always imagines swords"
by APZLife September 18, 2021
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An expression to use when something unrealistic happens
Johnny just wiped out a squad to win the game.
His friend: imagine that!
by GrittyRitty May 29, 2020
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Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
by This handle is not used October 14, 2021
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The act of forcing someone to think outside of the box and imagine something.
"I was really imaginating what I was working on to Bob but his head was just to far up his ass to grasp what I was talking about"
by Tgal1212 July 11, 2008
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A sarcastic word used to form mental images of things not present to the senses. This word was invented by Lil ignorant.
Lil Ignorant: Yo imagine if Lizzo pulled up on us and shot us in the neck.
Friend: Wtf.

Lil Ignorant: I just ate milk before cereal, nah all crazy imagine.
by Urban jewel & co. October 14, 2020
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A sarcastic remark said to someone who has just made a comment that was way out there.
1. Person A: Let me beat right now
Person B: Imagine?

2. Person A: Please bitch, I will deck your shit twice
Person B: Imagine?

3. Person A: That bitch is bad, I'm bout to go bag that.
Person B: Imagine your dusty self could bag?
by Oh Chea August 8, 2004
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The moment where you imagine hugging Channing Tatum with his clothes off and you make a weird face and body position. Your hands are in front of you and must look like they are gripping his gorgeous butt.
I walked up to a random person yelling "IMAGINE" as I made sure that I looked weird then walked off. They would never know I was trying to be sexual.
by The Green and Gold Unicorn April 13, 2013
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