The leader of the Anime Girls Religion.
by FObf July 16, 2022
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A know-it-all. Can't tolerate misspellings and wrong grammar. She will stand up for her opinions, and you dont want to disagree with her.
-im going to die!
-what happened?
-i said that Emilia was wrong.
-oh no. prepare to die.
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A name for a f*cking bad b*tch! A badass, solid chick with self respect. They are frickin amazing and beautiful and have a nice asses! So if you see an Emilia you’re lucky! She has a thing for hot girls tho!
Oh she’s an Emilia! Such a queen!
by eisaikaula;) November 20, 2021
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The most genius, hilarious and smart person. She is an icon and so talented. People spend their whole life trying to find someone like her but she is just too unique. She is also never wrong and everyone has to listen to what she says. Everyone needs an Emilia!
Have you seen Emilia? she's such an iconic queen that slays.
by bearmiami February 3, 2023
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Has the best sense of humor. She really knows how to make someone laugh. She gives the best advice about relationships and boys even though she has never had a boyfriend, not because she is ugly, the boys just don’t realise how amazing she really is. Emilia’s are beautiful inside and out and they are generally such nice people. If you are looking for a best friend go for an Emilia they will always stick by you and you will have an amazing time whenever wherever with them.
There’s Emilia
Omg there’s Emilia that amazing funny person I heard about
by molly rodlonte hasytont April 20, 2020
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A very sweet but self-sabotaging AI in the visual novel Digital: A Love Story by Christine Love. Many internet retards who play this game seem to fall in love with her.
A: Hey, I got a new girlfriend.
B: .You've been sitting inside doing nothing for the past week.
A: Her name's *Emilia.
B: ...You're retarded.
by Desdemona1231 September 27, 2013
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