The meal that falls around 2-3 p.m. Too late to be lunchand too early to be dinner but more than just a snack. It is a well balanced meal. It is often substituted for dinner for those on diets and trying to stick with the rule of 60% of your meal intake should be done before 3 pm (Shaun T)
For dunch today, I had pan-seared tilapia, topped with green, yellow, and orange peppers, with broccoli and quinoa on the side. Yummy :-)
by ambereyesawaits February 21, 2013
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dunch n (blend of "lunch" and "dinner"; cf. brunch) - a small meal between lunch and dinner in the late afternoon or early evening (about 3- 5 pm.).

This is a more appropriate word for an intermediate meal that once suggested "linner," because it is more similar to lunch than to dinner and is more brief (one syllable). It also follows the model of the neologism for another intermediate (or combined) meal - "brunch."
Dunch usually includes tea or coffee with cookies, sometimes a sandwich.

For tomorrow, I have already scheduled lunch and dinner with my colleagues. Let's have a dunch together.
by Mikhail Epstein November 8, 2003
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definition A- anything you want it to mean to insult someone.

definition B- an attention needy biznitch who will do anything for drama.
Definition A- wow look at that kid he is such a dunch

Definition B- Wow ronny is such a dunch.
by heythisisme July 2, 2009
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the fleshy tissue to the left and to the right of the area between a girl's vajine and butthole.
Man, my right dunch is sore after sleeping on my side
by NOLAPartyTime July 19, 2010
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The sound a large bag of gravel or rice makes when it falls on the ground.
The bag of gravel fell from the crane onto the commodore with a dunch.
by EC 1801 September 6, 2017
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Dunch is the combination of lunch and breakfast. It’s also an insult. Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch Dunch
by subterfuge May 4, 2021
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Dunch is Sundays main meal when Saturday night was really good. The word is a combination of the words dinner and lunch.

-> See also brunch.

It contains all the foods inclusive to dinner and lunch. Generally dunch is eaten between 3 pm and 6 pm; from 4 pm to 9 pm Italian time; German Standard Consumption 2 pm to 5:45 pm (5:44 pm Swiss SC).
Ambience: 3 o'clock, Sunday, you wake up, I was deciding what to have for dunch...

We all got together and we were hungry so we dunched.

What should we eat for dunch, pizza, pasta, cookies?

I am starving, let's trade in our empties and get a new case of beer for dunch.

Dunch is my favorite meal.
by dunch February 25, 2012
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