1.) A phrase said by southern people, usually of the darker skin, instead of saying apostrophe.
2.) Another way to say "apostrophe".
"La'Shonda" is spelled L A comma to the top S H O N D A.
by TheKrisMeister February 26, 2009
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Sometimes you can't necessarily get some good pussy from a hot chick so you have to get some bad pussy from an ugly chick to show a fine girl that you care. Then you get the good pussy.
I had to go through some tough pussy comma last night to get what I wanted.
by Zedediah May 30, 2005
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A bill at a restaurant, bar or other establishment that is so big it has a comma in it. (example: Anything above $1,000)
Damn dude... I spent so much at the bar last night, I had a comma bill.
by mrbadss January 21, 2008
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When a misplaced or missing comma, or inserting an extra comma, in a contract can cost a company lots of money, as the meaning of a sentence inadvertently favors the employees instead of the employer.
By accidentally inserting a comma between “fruit” and “plants” in the draft containing “fruit plants, tropical and semi-tropical, are exempt from import tariffs,” all imported fruit suddenly become duty-free; as a result, the government loses tens of millions of dollars for that “dear comma.”
by MathPlus December 24, 2018
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When you're editing a friends essay, and you become upset that there is not an adequate amount of pauses WHERE THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO BE, resulting in stress or temporary insanity
friends essay: "In other words the kangaroo went to the pasture carrying with him his young."
other friend: "YOU NEED COMMAS!"
friend: "comma drama"
by grammaticallycorrect4lyfe March 5, 2014
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A comma that gives the sense that a proper noun used as an intensifier will follow, but acts as an apostrophe because the intensifier is omitted.
You, John Doe, should return to your cubicle before the boss sees you.

You, (apostrophal comma) should return to your cubicle before the boss sees you.
by ellebane October 24, 2011
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