When hot coffee, suddenly and with little warning, spews out of the lid and flows down your hand. This can result in emotional distress and great pain.
Oh My.. My coffee just erupted and the java flow burned the crap out of my hand!
by Wonkavision January 28, 2016
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The act of having a chub cock and beating it off. When you finally cum the penis is 2” above the wrap of your hand and semen blasts in the air and some trickles down your hand like miniature lava flows.. you then flick the semen that’s around your think band pointer finger at an object eg a woman a dog a small animal and so on
Me:Damn mike Shannon’s mad at me!
Me:I was performing a Mini-Lava Flow for my girlfriend Shannon and I thought the lava the pooled on the bottom of my hand would look good on her so I flicked it and hit her near the eyes with it
Mike:Damn, savage
by King anal hair February 17, 2019
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A state of pure motion in which one’s sense of time, place and even self melt away 2. Bliss
Out kayaking today, everything felt perfect. I was living in flow town.
by mooselegs January 10, 2012
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To be very paranoid or such
Sara: Dude, are there any cops around here?
Stephanie: Dang girl, you're all flowed out
by Arm Candy August 14, 2007
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Make cum flow out of you or make the blood flow to my penis
Carl: Hey, flow me?
Lisa: maybe if you stop jerking off
Carl: rimjob?
Lisa: get the lotion
Carl: just use my jizz
by Eatemgoodd October 30, 2017
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When someone’s cum flows or you make them flow, or the blood flows to their dick bc of you
Carl: Flow me
Lisa: maybeee if you stop jerking off
Carl: rimjob?
Lisa: get the lotion

Carl: just use my jizz
by Eatemgoodd October 30, 2017
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