Carson is probably the best friends you could ever have. He always tries to make you happy and suceeds every time. He is one of the funniest people in world history and puts a smile on your face every day. He does get sad sometimes and when he is sad you really feel bad for him by trying to make him feel better and he is grateful. Carson is the kind of person you can spend hours talking too and never get bored even if they already know all of your secrets and you have shared every possible story that can possibly be shared. Never let Carson go because he will be your best friends for life.
Carson is probably the funniest guy I know.
I spent hours talking to Carson on the weekend.
Carson made me laugh so hard today.
by randompersonteehee138563940 January 22, 2021
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Carson is the most perfect person you could be around. He will never always be there for you no matter how you’re feeling. He’s the seggsiest hubbahubbahunkie you have ever seen. He’s won the best cuddles prize every time. Sometimes he’s a lil naughty tho hehe. He’s one of those rare “fall-in-love-at-first-sight” kinda guy
“Wow do you see that guy over there? He’s a total Carson.”
by Carson Smellie November 12, 2020
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Somebody who will probably date sombody named noah hes also big and sexy
Jim:carsons sexy
by Cumbob April 3, 2022
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An amazing, blond, hansom man that will always love you and be true to the end. He has no problem having a long relationship. He would be a wonderful guy to date.
Carson is so cute
by lkjflklkjsl;kdjf;lkasjdf February 13, 2019
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conceived in a car, he has the speed of turbo the snail. He is the son of marsh dwellers and very agile. He well known amongst the sped tribe. Don't mess with carson because he will strip naked and bark like a dog. He will also hump your leg. Carson makes the perfect gaurdian.
"quick an intruder! get carson to hump them out the door!
by catrabies October 27, 2023
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Carson is short like midjet short he’s really shy and can some what be funny at times BUT one thing bad abt Carson is that he trys to fit in and be like everyone else instead of being himself he’s not very open but if u have a Carson he’s probably a femboy too
by Funnygoat10001 November 23, 2021
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Carson is short like midjet short he’s really shy and can some what be funny at times BUT one thing bad abt Carson is that he trys to fit in and be like everyone else instead of being himself he’s not very open but if u have a Carson he’s probably a femboy too
by Funnygoat10001 November 23, 2021
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