Maya is an amazing friend of mine, everytime u see her u laugh for no reason.
most of the time she’s doing nothing but watching stranger things with me over the phone because she’s a good ass friend.

she’s Noah schnapps girlfriend, and she’s very stupid :)
get yourself a Maya, bitch.
Me: oh hey look it’s maya over there
Friend: alright let’s go say hi to her
Me: hi bitch *slaps her right in the face*
by h0t January 10, 2019
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best girlfriend in the whole entire world, major butch lesbian and very very small (but will say she is average).
by xxxtentaclefan69 October 20, 2019
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Maya….. AHH Maya. They may seem quite at first but once the feel comfortable around you, their a different person. They are loud outgoing and funny. Their sense of humor is insane and makes no sense which is what makes them funny. They are smart when they are not being lazy. They like to act dumb or act like they don’t do there responsibilities in front of peers or friends but they like to keep there grades up or at least try. Mayas can get insecure, but they are so pretty
Person 1: “ohh why is Maya so loud now? She wasn’t like this on the first day of school?”
Person 2: “Thats because Maya is comfortable woth were she is at.”
by Willows_pubic_hair November 21, 2021
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The sweetest person you will ever come across in your life. Mayas are typically known to be quiet, yet their ecstatic personality spews out like a volcano when you get to know them. They have very unique interests most of the time and their "for you page" is definitely not like yours.

Though they may be a little late sometimes, they catch up really fast, and always get the joke: No matter what.
If you come across a Maya, you've got yourself an opportunity you never wanna miss. Mayas are very unique, so they will easily be able to sympathize with you; and if they can't, they'll always find a way to help you. So if you find yourself a Maya, chances are they'll be a great friend; and even better partner
Person A: I really like this person
Person B: Are they a Maya?
Person A: The best one yet!
by Wheelio August 1, 2023
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A name that is literally a time in history
Hey did you know about that new girl, maya
Isn’t that history?
by SpiritedFox November 30, 2020
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man if you come across a maya keep her dude maya's are overall funny people they have good humour and knows how to make you smile. they are the most beautiful people with the best smile i recommend finding youself a maya
"goddamn is that god?!"
"no thats just maya!"
by guysyoudontknowwhothisislol December 15, 2022
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A beautiful young intelligent woman with a big head. Very freaky if you let her be. Loves to talk and is a punk
Maya is for trey
by Hahathatdude May 21, 2021
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