A BBF (noun) also known as a Bare-Bum-Fart is a farting position where one lowers their trousers and underwear, then parts their bum cheeks and breaks winds allowing the gas to seep into the surrounding area free from filtration of the layers of clothing that may cover the bumhole region.
1. Anna BBFed before her first date with Tom so that her underwear didn’t have brown stains on.

2. ‘Oops’ said Tom as he lowered his pants, ‘I must of forgotten to BBF (Bare Bum Fart) at some point today. My pants are brown, Mummy isn’t going to be happy.’
by ThatsNachoBurrito October 27, 2021
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parody of spongebob, done in the style of annoying orange.
i go to youtube *browses home page* oh look its a parody of spongebob. ITS SPONGEROB BARE A$$ IM WATCHIN IT
by tunip the vegimal March 16, 2022
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When you get jumped by the mandem and you shank the feds bare and still
Person1: Yo bando i put some bare neek in a spliff bare times
Person2: thats bare gang shit
by AdoptedFaggot69 May 3, 2020
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Chevy Owner: Dude, spice up your Tesla with a Mars bumper sticker
Tesla Owner: Nah man, I like to have a bare bumper. Besides, I already have a "certified clean idle" sticker on it
by Licensed_Nerd December 16, 2019
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