An egomaniacal, cocky bastard who is a complete waste. He uses his so-called "good looks" and self-assured charm to trick the most amazing girls in both body and mind into falling for him and not the guys who actually deserve them. Some say he's a genius, some know he's a snake in the grass ready to strike. Always ready with a witty/smart-ass comment to any possible situation thrust his way, which gets very annoying. Also known for taking girls who were already spoken for or were in happy relationships with guys who deserved them. He's a can of prick wrapped in sexy.
Girl: Oh my God, look at him.. He's so hot.
Guy: No, you want to steer clear of him. He's a real Ryan.

Guy 1: Hey, so I just got this watch that tells me what the weather will be like.
Guy 2: Really? How's it work?
Guy 1: You put it on your wrist. -walks away-
Guy 2: What a Ryan.
by suckitspang February 25, 2010
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A doucher who does not know what time management is.

Also fails at meeting time requirements.
Dude, you're such a fukin Ryan.
by tehorsmness July 9, 2009
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A very ugly teenage boy that looks like a girl. A Ryan is someone who you are embarrassed to be seen with or associated with. Being called a Ryan is a huge insult.
"Oh my god that kid is so disgusting looking."
"Yuck he's such a Ryan."

"Hey who's that girl with your sister over there?"
"That's her boyfriend...He's a Ryan."
by Shocks February 26, 2010
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A young little boy who is 3 feet tall and likes men but is too afraid to tell people. One day Ryan was playing in his closet when he found a gigantic bra at the back of his closet. He tried it on. He kept it as a secret from his family. Every night at 1 am, Ryan puts the bra on laughs in a really high pitched voice for one minute straight and goes to bed. Ryan is a very ugly try hard. When Ryan gets mad, he texts little girls saying "I'm done".
Your acting like a Ryan!! >:o
by bobette wilfry September 5, 2011
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a person that looks good is sexy and amazing with girls and has a big cock
by ryan2200 May 29, 2018
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Ryan is a super cute dude. He can always make you laugh. You'll get lost in his brown eyes.
Ryan is a super cute dude.
by lover6246 December 5, 2018
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