When you’re mate runs away from your squad in fortnite and gets obnoxiously and brutally annihilated then has the audacity to complain that there squad are bad teammates for leaving them.
The crappy fortnite player: WHY TF DID YOU LEAVE ALONE TO DIE THERE FFS!?

Logical, good fortnite player: Mate, you were the one that McClarence-d.
by YABOI18 February 13, 2018
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Stuie D's is a fine eating establishment where people go if they want some stuing food. There best costumers are Ami and Manny who attend at lest 4 times a day. Stuie D's can also be known as Studobas and Quidobas.
Hey Manny, do you want to go to Stuie D's?

Sure Ami let me see if Martha and Stuart want to join.
by Stuart Martha November 19, 2010
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Big D or BigDecimal is a Class of the java.math package.

By internally storing decimals as String, the BigDecimal covers the precision issue of doubles.
Program: System.out.println(0.03 - 0.02); -> 0.0999999999999999
Programmer: Oh shit! It's time for the Big D!!
by f0a677 March 6, 2018
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Assigned to An individual called Daanyaal
Ishaaq: YOOOO big D is lookin bolo
Big D: what you tellin me g
by lubricaya shon March 17, 2022
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Another word for big ass dick and this word was made in jersey
I have a big d
by Childish weirdo 34 February 13, 2021
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“I just got the Big - D by getting double bounced on the trampoline!!”
by Car1 b4rw4lD May 26, 2018
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Tommy's nickname for DreamWasTaken (Dream).
Drista: Why do you call my brother Big D?
by MCYTFanCuzWhyNot February 9, 2021
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