a word is very wordish
by mlemingshobe November 2, 2019
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type your defination here ...
Type an example of how this word is used in a sentence...
by pseudonym of some kind September 10, 2023
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Type an example of how this word's used in a sentence...
by Marothebigbrain July 24, 2023
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used as slang to mean to agree with something, as in to support/say that it is "correct"
by Quandale Dingle HAHAHA June 21, 2022
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it's a single thing that has letters... WHAT DID YOU ACTUALLY EXPECT. THE HELL DID YOU EXPECT?!
Hey. Hi. Shit.
by Some guy here for no reason August 25, 2021
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a word is a word you are seeing. you are a word too. when your bored and have nothing to do so you just write the "example" on the search bar. words or word? what are you looking at? yes a word you are looking at...you WERE looking at 49 words. wow almost 50 there. well go search for qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm or mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq.nothing wrong just DAMN your really bored
person 1: hey man watcha dion?
person 2: nothing im just bored
person 1 : show me ur phone
person 2 : k

person 1 : you know im bored too
person 1 : wait what

person 2: ya but look at this.

person 1 : uh okay?...
person 1: why did you search what does word mean
person 2 : did you not say you were bored

person 1 : ...
person 2 : yeah thats what i thought
by not a dot September 15, 2020
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