how can you understand this word if you don't what a word means?
i have no examples to use the word word
by Anonymus69_420 January 4, 2021
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A single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed.
David: Charles is such a um...
Keith: You don't know the word do you?
David: Yup.
by /* zy January 24, 2022
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1) well said

2)said in a agreement

3) can be used as a greeting, hey whats up
1..and 2...Yo u goin to that rocks tanite....word

3) word up

2...Yo u goin to that rocks tanite....word

3) word up
by cherrybottomhotstop1 January 29, 2017
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-a word

-microsoft word

-something people say at the end of a rap or something
-"Hey are you using word or powerpoint?"
"I am using word."

-"its like umm... uhh... whats that word again...uhh..."
"How tf am i supposed to know?"

-"My crew is big and it keeps gettin bigga, thats coz jesus christ is my nigga, WORD."*drops mic epicly*
by instagramlover69420XDLOL September 16, 2019
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this is a word, what do you think it means...

theres probably at least one definition of this word that involves sex...
Why do I need to use word in a sentence?
by unfunnyhaha October 11, 2020
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“I think the current political climate is a perfect breeding ground for overconfident Republican fascists to implement their ideals which, in turn, are perpetuated in mainstream Southern media outlets.”

by Guntbaum August 9, 2020
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