Fucking ugly ass short ass bowl cut bitch w no life gkys fucking hoe!! I hope you get dragged.
by annskajsiaka April 24, 2023
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A fucking bitch that whines and cries about everything

Someone people hate to be around
by David Siddeley December 17, 2016
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Sudden Infantile Dumbass Syndrome. Occurs when an adult baby is placed in time out and loses a toy and he tries to get it unsuccessfully, and he gets hurt or dies because of it
When Barnaby was placed in time out, he discovered that he had lost his teddy bear. As he reached out of his adult-sized crib to get it, the crib closed on his neck crushing it. He had died suddenly of SIDS. He should have waited for his wife to come back after he had cooled off from his tantrum.
by chad'srockergrrrll October 20, 2010
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Small Irish Dick Syndrome - Being of Irish decent and having a less than average sized penis.
Billy (with a lisp): Quinn is such a hot red-headed nugget daddy. I'd love to take his dick..
Bob: Quinn has SIDS. So you're not going to get much of a ride out of that!

Billy: Guess I'll have to suck on his pacifier instead!
by Skawt September 19, 2018
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Someone who is incompetent and generally gets nothing accomplished. Often used to display a contemptuous attitude towards a person of this nature.
The oft-used: "Goddamnit Sid!"
by joned March 2, 2007
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