Inspired by the movie "Dumb and Dumber " when Jim Carrey's character gives Jeff Daniels character a large amount of laxatives to ruin a date. It lead to Daniels sitting on the toilet talking a very noisy, smelly shit. Dumb and Dumber shits often come after a thunderous stomach growl in which the person knows it is time to get to the toilet.
"That mexican food was great last night, but I feel a "Dumb and Dumber Shit" coming on."
by jh0818 November 5, 2009
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the act of fucking a woman who is considered dumb i.e blonde then fucking her up the ass then wanking on her shit hole
This act is fucking sick and should not be tried at home as it will result in the police being called.
Please delete if you want, but it's gotta be said, right?
by Corpse July 25, 2004
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Phrase commonly used by angery negros.

Threat of death by instrument commonly tucked under nuts; pertains to no specific race; often used by white people who watch a lot of BET.
Blang blang mutha fuaka I\'m bout to cap yo\' dumb punk bitch shit ass nigga!
by XshadowsX April 27, 2005
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