Tall ass Canadian girl. Lesbian fine asf she always pulls girls. But she talkin to the best. Annoying always wears the same clothes and a visor
Shayne is finnnee
by @bootyliciousboss September 24, 2019
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‘is that hitler?’
‘no its just shayne’
by Sweetsandpuppiesx February 11, 2023
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Dick head has no friends and no one likes him his best friend is called Timmy
Shayne has no froends
by I’m hay February 17, 2019
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Bid dick man, who iss funny,nice,cute and will do anything for that girl.
by shayne. April 18, 2019
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if you ever meet a shayne RUN. most shayne’s do hard drugs and will stab you in the back. they are overly emotional and lie A LOT!
do y be friends with a shayne
by pppappa January 31, 2022
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Someone who has curly hair and light skin who often gets compared to celebrity sports players.
Michael knees: yo is that Francisco lindor

Goated trev: nah bruh thats shayne
by MICHAEL KNEES March 25, 2020
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This word isn't a person, place or thing, unless gifted to a child! The true meaning of the word is God is gracious. This is a fairly rare method of spelling the name (infinitely subjectable to change)
Friend: Hey, Shayne! Want to have fun tonight?
by Your lonely friend February 25, 2022
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