Students for a Democratic Society. It was founded in the 1960s as a radical student organization. It was dissolved in 1969 but a new generation of activists have revived it as of 2006 as the "New SDS."
The SDS is making a comeback.
by NeverTooLate July 22, 2007
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A group of losers who stay up way too late at night for no reason but to speak to each other because they all love each other
Darryl: Why are you staying up so late?
James: I'm a member of the SDS
by SDS member June 24, 2020
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Satan Disciples a street gang on the folkz side. Mostly around in Pilsen. And other chicago suburbs. They rep the 6 point star and there colors are Black and Canarie Yellow. Theyer rivals with The street gang Latin Kings and lots of other gangs. And they keep there shit on the right. They are mostly know as INSANE GANGSTA SATAN DISCIPLES NATION. And they throw up the pitch fork and the six point star. And are hated by lots of other gangs. But they aint got shit on SDz.


by Tiny Xavier March 10, 2009
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person 1: sup?
person 2: why you worried?
person 3 to person 1: he's as sds for sure.
by youllneverknow123321 April 13, 2011
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SDS = Storm Deprivation Syndrome.

A condition often afflicting a seasoned storm chaser who have become accustom to routine sightings of severe weather and then deprived of it for a period exceeding expectation. It often results in irritability, non-rational thoughts, and teenage like drama. It is most often found with tornado chasers but can be found in hurricane chasers and snow weenies. It is mostly found in the off seasons of the weather event, but also can be prolonged for years if said chaser is not actively chasing season after season.

Posting online, in forums, facebook, etc. is known to inflame the situation.

The only known cures are to resume chase storms or getting laid.
“That closed low on the GFS is looking sweet.”
“Chill dude, you got SDS if you think the GFS at 240 hours out is reliable”

“Stuck at the office looking at the streaming video is giving me severe SDS”.
by WeatherWarrior October 3, 2013
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Acronym for Sweet dude, Sweet.

A saying after someone says something pointless.
Dude 1 tries to explain the usage of Under Armor.

Dude#1: Oh and fyi under armor is use to wick moisture away from the body which really enhances our body's temperature regulation ability. Making your body cool in hot weather and warm in cold weather, also when the body is active it keeps the muscles warmer so that you have less chances of pulling something.

Dude #2: K. SDS, man.
by NeilioismasteratSDS November 20, 2009
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Shitty Dick Syndrome.

1. After cumming during anal sex, you pull out just to get a shitty surprise all over your dick.
Guy 1: Bro I was fucking this chick in the ass and when I pulled out it was just gruesome! There was shit everywhere!!
Guy 2: Awww this dude got SDS
Guy 1: What's SDS?
Guy 2: Shitty dick syndrome!!
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